Monday, September 10, 2012

Game Ideas


          Imagine a world, where you, an ordinary person, rises to ultimate power. RISE follows the story of an ordinary person who one day becomes the ruler of an entire world. In RISE, the player controls a character who got tired of being at the bottom and now wants to be at the top. Essentially the player must go from the bottom of the hierarchy to the top. RISE would be an action-adventure platformer game, set in the near future. With the help of a drug, the player is able to do acts that a normal person would not be able to do. The game would have shootouts, an array of weapons, and puzzles as the player progresses up through the hierarchy.
          The genre of RISE would fit in action-adventure games.  Essentially, gamers who like the whole interactive thing, or puzzles and point systems depending on good or bad deeds will most likely enjoy this game.

Ultimate Cricket

          UC, or Ultimate Cricket is a sports game in which a player experiences the thrill of cricket. Cricket is a game popular in many countries like England, Australia, South Africa, India and Pakistan. Essentially the player controls either the batsman during batting or the bowler during balling. In this game, an all new interactive system is used. The player can choose the batting line and how aggressive he or she wants the batsmen to be. UC also features multiple shots during batting that can either make a player's score, or cause him or her to lose when used at the wrong time. On the bowling/fielding side, the player can choose how tight the players are in the field and what type of bowlers will give him or her the most advantage.
          This game fits in the sports genre and is for the gamer who likes sports. Not many people know about cricket, but this game will teach anyone all about cricket.

The Empire

          The Empire is a game that allows the player to relive the glory of the Brithis Empire. The Empire will be an  action-adventure platformer game, in which the player is in charge of mainting the colonies of the British Empire.  The player will be able to  take control of navy ships, horses, and other means of transportation. The ships will allow the player to roam the seas and if the player chooses, he or she can go from one continet to another by ship, but there will be dangers like pirates, mutinies, and sea monsters. On the other side, the player also is in charge of mainting peace in a colony and must crush any rebellion before it starts, or before the rebellion escalates and the British Empire if forced to lose a colony. Colonial weaponry, sword-fighting, and army tactics can all be seen in this new game.
          This game is an action-adventure game/strategy, and will appeal to gamers who like an open world game. Since it has elements of strategy, this game might not appeal to gamers that like "click and shoot" games or that just don't like strategy games.

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